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A new ISO/IEC international standardization project for development of an SQL class library for multimedia applications was approved in early 1993. This new standardization activity, named SQL Multimedia (SQL/MM), will specify packages of SQL abstract data type (ADT) definitions using the facilities for ADT specification and invocation provided in the emerging SQL3 specification. SQL/MM intends to standardize class libraries for science and engineering, full-text and document processing, and methods for the management of multimedia objects such as image, sound, animation, music, and video. It will likely provide an SQL language binding for multimedia objects defined by other JTC1 standardization bodies (e.g. SC18 for documents, SC24 for images, and SC29 for
photographs and motion pictures).
The Project Plan for SQL/MM indicates that it will be a multi-part standard consisting of an evolving number of parts. Part 1 will be a Framework that specifies how the other parts are to be constructed. Each of the other parts will be devoted to a specific SQL application package. The following SQL/MM Part structure exists as of August 1994:
lPart 1: Framework A non-technical description of how the document is structured.
lPart 2: Full Text Methods and ADTs for text data processing. About 45 pages.
lPart 3: Spatial Methods and ADTs for spatial data management. About 200 pages with active contributions from Spatial Data experts from 3 national bodies.
lPart 4: General Purpose Methods and ADTs for complex numbers, Facilities include trig and exponential functions, vectors, sets, etc. Currently about 90 pages.
There are a number of standards efforts in the area of Spatial and Geographic information:
lANSI X3L1 - Geographic Information Systems.
Mark Ashworth of Unisys is the liason between X3L1 and ANSI X3H2. He is also the editor for parts 1, 3, and 4 of the SQL/MM draft.
Text borrowed from Len Gallagher, NIST
This page was last updated on October 30, 1995
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